CaraFan Sahara Pressuriser
Caravan Dust Reduction System
The CaraFan Sahara is a dust prevention system designed to combat the Australian off-road conditions by providing filtered air into caravans at all times whilst operational using a high performance fan.
CaraFan Sahara works by creating a higher pressure inside the caravan which stops dust ingress with air being pushed out of all potential leak points. The CaraFan Sahara has been designed using years of experience in positive pressure systems to ensure that it works at all times to protect your caravan from dust.
It was the first unit in the Australian market designed solely for caravans. It is the preferred standard dust prevention system of many reputable caravan manufacturers. Installing on your own van is simple. Buy now or contact a dealer.
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Proudly manufactured by United Safety & Survivability Corporation of Western Australia, who are specialists in cabin air filtration for earthmoving, mining and transport equipment.